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The Children of Light Conference 2024

June 19-22

Holiday Inn Stone Oak

19280 Redland Road
San Antonio, TX, 78259  
Hotel phone: 210-298-8820

Room rate $119 per night up to 4 people
Includes breakfast


The Children of Light Conference all days conference fee:

$250. Bring a friend!

Scroll down to register and speaker information


The Angels have invited you to join them in bringing important changes and peace and harmony to the world for the benefit of everyone.

Learn more about why you should attend

View the videos


Register for the conference and bring a friend!
Scroll down to register


Do you need financial assistance to attend? Contact Joe Crane


Unlike most conferences, you will do more than attend lectures and workshops. There will be direct interaction with the angelic realm.This interaction will give you a choice in the role you play in bringing forth Ascension Consciousness to our world.


Over a four-day period, informative speakers, workshops and ceremonies will empower you to heal yourself and create space for others to heal by using precisely calibrated tuning forks, sacred essential oils and easy processes from the Angels.


The Wing and a Prayer Fund

This is a way for you to help others attend the Conference. Some times people just need a little financial help so they can be there. Please help with whatever you can.  



Photo: Rahul Pandit

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Information and Registration



June 19-22

Holiday Inn Stone Oak

19280 Redland Road

San Antonio, TX, 78259  map


Room rate $119 per night up to 4 people

Includes breakfast


The Children of Light Conference all days fee:
$250 per person


Sign up now!


PLEASE NOTE: Due to limited space, reservations are not held without a deposit. Once a deposit is given, there are no refunds. All registration payments, including those made by credit card, are non-refundable.


All cancelled reservation deposits can be transferred at the time of cancellation to another person of your choice.


If no other person can be found by you, then your registration can be transferred to the next conference.


$250 per person


Children and Family Rates:
To sign up with the discounted rates, please contact Joe by phone: 830-328-0911 or send him a check at his address: 501 Joel Lane, Lake Hills TX 78063


Children’s Rates: Age 5 and under: Free

Ages 6-12: $75.00

Age 12 and older: Regular rate for the event as adults (see above)


Family Rates: (not firm until the hotel is selected)

At the hotel, kids 17 and under stay free with an adult.

For the Conference registration families of three or more will receive a $50.00 per adult person discount. There are no family discounts on child rates. A ‘Family’ is defined as a couple with minor children, or a single parent with minor children, all attending the event. To get the family discount for 3 or more Joe Crane at (830) 751-2870 


Vendor Booths:

Vendor Booths available upon request $150.00 / 8' table

Contact Joe Crane 830-328-0911 or email Joe


The Wing and a Prayer Fund
This is a way for you to help others attend the Conference. Some times people just need a little financial help so they can be there. Please help with whatever you can.



Contact Joe by phone: 830-328-0911 to donate with your credit card or kindly send him a check at his address: 501 Joel Lane, Lake Hills TX 78063

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Speakers and Schedule

Events begin at 10am Wed and 9am Thurs - Sat
Archangel Michael's Grand Formation, Saturday, 7-10 pm


You're going to love this year's conference!

We are totally immersing ourselves in the lessons from Michael and the Angels of the Gate of Grace over the last 30 years. Masters are teaching sacred oils, tuning forks and processes; sharing their experiences and other techniques. You will receive your personal Angel if you haven't already at a previous conference.




Joe Crane Keynote Speaker
Angelic Teachings on Healing & Rejuvenation

  • Author of Blessings, Gifts and Deeds and Teaching the Masters

  • Co-Author of On the Wings of Heaven and
    The Masters Return 


Joe Crane's work has made it possible for people everywhere to use healing tools and processes given to us by Archangel Michael and the Angels of the Gate of Grace for self-improvement and empowerment.


He holds everyone as a perfect child of God. Joe Crane shares his spiritual experiences since the first angel visit on a winter’s night in early1995. He describes Michael and the other angels who have visited him and imparts their information and tools for healing. Joe will demonstrate 12-chakra tuning, explain the water and food blessing, oxygen and Cosmic Lightning. He’ll also give the Wholeness and Shakti Blessings.

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Dave Savedra and Diane Daniels
Chronology of spiritual teachings, sacred oils, tuning forks, and processes

Dave and Diane recount the timeline of everything we’ve been given over the past 30 years. Last Baptism, Laws of Prosperity, Book of Bricks, Seven Churches, First Gathering, Gate of Grace for Angel communication and healing, three things needed for energy healing, Seven Halls of Healing, Seven Angels of Revelation, 7 Keys, 13 Principles, sacred essential oils including the Masters’ oil, Genesis fork frequency and more. They’ll also introduce Internal Family Systems (IFS) and how it correlates with the 50 Gates.

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Rick Welton
Tuning Forks for Facilitating Wellness with Sound

Rick has been using tuning forks and oils for many years as owner of Health Tones. He demonstrates charging the major endocrine system and explains each gland’s physical and metaphysical function, balancing the organs, aligning the spine, clearing the lymphatic system and stem cell regeneration. Also, scanning, muscle testing and using a seven-faceted quartz crystal to augment healing. Rick will be available for private healing sessions.

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Tamurah Laue
Brain Balance into Coherence and

The Geometry of Consciousness


Tamurah is a clairvoyant counselor, licensed spiritual healer, Bio-Feedback Specialist and Sound Coach. She discusses the benefits of balancing the left and right hemispheres of the brain on physiology as well as subtle bodies. She’ll show two brain balancing techniques using Sefirot and 7 Names of God forks and cutting-edge analytical equipment. She’ll delve into the Applied Science of Rejuvenation and Structuring of the Subtle Bodies. touch on the sacred geometry of the Universe and how these processes apply to the human biofield on a microcosmic scale.

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Laura Michaels
Spiritual Nutrition, Seven Sacred Herbs

Full Spectrum Light and Living Sustainably

Laura, nutritionist and former founder and director of Chicago’s Organic Food Network, explains how the foods given to us for each day of the week and the 49 sacred herbs prepare us to receive and hold the vibrations of the tuning forks and oils.

She’ll talk about full spectrum light and show beneficial lighting for your home and office. Also, easy recipes for living more sustainably. She is currently updating the angelic teachings.

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Laura Michaels and Ronda Fisher

Angel Armor Process using Angel/Tree of Life Tuning Forks


Laura and Ronda show how to remove the imitation protective armor we place on ourselves from the time we are children. Everyone will get the opportunity to practice on each other.


Ronda is a psychic medium, Reiki Master and Galactic Light Language channel.


If you have a set of Angel/Tree of Life tuning forks, please bring them.

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Katherine Hacking
Creating Your Alignment and
Nine Shekinah Seals

Kathy explains the Nine Shekinah Seals and working with the Divine Feminine to access miracles, express your heartsong and receive celestial gifts. She uses intentional breathing and acupressure tapping to reset the nervous system and open emotional space for physical change and financial abundance.

Katherine is an Angel oracle, healing practitioner/ teacher and co-author of Tapping into Financial Freedom.

Rick Welton and Kathy Hacking

Animal Acutuning and Pet Healing


Rick will explain which tuning forks animals respond to while Kathy talks about how she works with pets.

Schedule of Events 2024

Times and dates are tentative and are subject to change without prior notice


Wednesday, June 19

10 am

Opening Ceremony with Rick Welton clearing and blessing the Conference.


10:30 am 

Joe Crane , centering, chakra tuning and sharing his life experiences.


11:30 am

Dave Savedra and Diane Daniels

Chronology of teachings, sacred oils, tuning forks and processes.


12:30-2 pm 



2 pm 

Dave and Diane continue with the timeline and introduce Internal Family Systems and how it correlates with the 50 Gates.


3:30 pm 

Rick Welton teaches tuning forks and processes.


5:30-7:30 pm 



7:30 pm 

Movie (TBA), popcorn and chocolate in the conference room


Thursday, June 20

7:30 am

Do it Ourselves Yoga


9 am

Rick Welton demonstrates stem cell regeneration process.


10:30 am

Laura Michaels and Ronda Fisher show Angel Armor.

Masters practice on each other.


12-1:30 pm



1:30 pm

Tamurah Laue demonstrates brain balancing techniques


3 pm

Katherine Hacking talks about the Nine Shekinah Seals and the Divine Feminine.


4:30 pm

Joe Crane places everyone in the Grand Formation.


5:30-7:30 pm



7:30 pm 

Music, Singing, Dancing.



Friday, June 21

9 am

Laura Michaels explains Spiritual Nutrition, Seven Sacred Herbs, Full Spectrum Light and Sustainable Living.


10:30 am 

Joe Crane teaches the Wholeness Blessing


12-1:30 pm



1:30-5:30 pm

Q and A, masters sharing, more teachings.


5:30-7:30 pm



7:30 pm

Shakti Blessing

After the Blessing: Open Mic Q&A and Sharing.

Ask a question, share an experience, sing a song, tell a joke or poem, lead a dance.



Saturday, June 22

7:30 am

Do it Ourselves Yoga.


9 am

Laura Michaels makes Gabriel’s Tonic.


10 am

Rick and Kathy show Animal Acutuning and talk about pet healing.


11 am

Joe Crane


12-1:30 pm



1:30-5 pm



5–7 pm



7 pm 

Grand Formation



Tuesday, June 18

  • Registration, healing and vendor tables set up

  • Snack and Swap table

  • Sprouts Sandwich Dinner. Order your custom sandwich by 5 pm and pick it up at the registration table.

  • Frontier Herbs Co-op Wholesale Order. Place your wholesale order with payment by Wednesday, June 12 and pick up your herbs, personal care items and kitchen accessories Tuesday evening in the hotel conference room. email Laura Michaels.



Snack and Swap Table

Bring healthy snacks, crystals, jewelry, oracle cards and other small things you no longer use to place on the table.. Give an item, take an item.


Vendor tables will be open throughout the four days.


Healing Sessions

Rick, Katherine, Tamurah and Dave will be available.


Pool and hot tub


What is a Gathering?


A Gathering is a way for you to understand your individuality and how you fit into the grand scheme of things. You will discover or remember the way to live your everyday life. It is a path to the inner greatness that you are. 


By interacting with the other 7 people in your Gathering Group, you are given a chance to see how this magnificent and loving energy flows, and your part in it.


After being Gathered, you will have an opportunity to go deeper within yourself, discover ways to share this and to bring it out in others. You will learn that more growth is attainable and any of your present concerns or blocks can lead you further into your giftedness and full potential.


A Gathering is a remembrance and discovery of you, the Master and of the Oneness that is in everything.

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