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Angelic Visits 2018
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Angelic Visit February 24, 2018 pdf version
It was late at night when I was awakened by the sound of Michael’s voice.
Michael… Arise for we have a need to speak.
I got up, put my jeans on and headed to my Gate of Grace in the office where Michael was already standing, waiting for me. No matter how many times I see Michael, I just can’t get over how magnificent he looks. There is always this light that emanates from him and fills the room. For that matter, it’s the same way for all the angels. Granted, I'm not as overwhelmed as the first time I saw him, he is still a sight to behold.
Michael… We have much to speak of. There is much that needs to be done for the conference this year.
That's good, because a lot has happened that I want to talk to you about. Let me start off with telling you what’s been happening so far. As far as registration goes for the conference, we have 61 people already registered, so that's pretty good for this early date. If we keep going at this rate we're going to get the number. So that's where we are at this moment.
Now let me tell you what else is going on. I have some great speakers this year. Dana Camp is going to speak about numerology. She's very knowledgeable and is a very fun person. I thought it would be good to open the conference with something different. The next speaker I want to talk to you about is someone people have been asking about for years and when she would be speaking. I'm sure you remember when you told me the reason we eat meat is because we don't know how to feed ourselves. Well, Gabby is going to teach us how to feed ourselves.
Regina Madsen will be doing a process using what I think is called The Seat of Mercy. She's planning on setting up eight seats and we will leave them up throughout the conference so people can experience them. This process is about raising the vibrations of everyone that sits in one of the seats.
Next, Gary Hardin is joining us this year to teach. When Gary and I teach together, something magical happens and the conference will take on a whole new dynamic. Gary is going to teach about the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. He will also teach about the Divine Marriage, putting it all together so we will understand how it works. We have also looked at teaching the binding of your kind with ours, the Angelic and human. Gary will also be speaking about the Seat of Mercy and Regina will teach us all how to use it. They will also share stories about people’s experiences with the Seat of Mercy.
We will be doing gatherings for those that have not been gathered yet so they can participate in the Grand Gathering on the last night of the conference. As soon as you teach me how to do the Da'at process and what to do with it, I'll be set to go.
Prior to the conference in March, Gary will be doing a global meditation to raise vibrations and help with more people coming to the conference.
Michael…You have done much to set the vibrations for the conference. It is fitting to have Dana to open as a speaker for what she teaches will open minds to other ways of thinking and other possibilities. When I said that your kind has not yet learned to feed themselves, it was said so that many would start to learn. Gabrayel will open the thinking of another way to eat. She will do well. All is in Divine Order.
Did you think the coming together of you and Gary after 5 years is just a coincidence? Do you believe that the coming together of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine at this time for the Divine Marriage is a trifle happening? Our kind has come together to help your kind bring about a shift in the vibrations of your world. We are setting all things in place to bring this about. It is now up to the masters to join together in the number you were given. I do need to speak with you about the binding of your kind with ours this year at the conference. You will not have the time to do this. It is not just about asking as much where your kind is asking from. You would need two days just to get ready to ask. We will speak of this after the conference.
Well that makes sense to me given as much as we have to do this year. And speaking of what we have to do this year, you need to explain and teach me what to speak about.
Michael… You will need at least 10 masters to become gatekeepers of the Da’at. They will be taught to open the way for the Da’at. They will help each master create the space for the Da’at to come into being. After they do this at the conference they will be able to do this with others after the conference. It will take you two days to train them so they can do what is needed. I will also teach you how this process is to be done at the Grand Gathering. Come with me and we will begin. You will not speak of that which I will teach you.
With that being said, Michael turned around and as he did the entire office turned white. In front of Michael a line seemed to run from where the ceiling was to the floor. This line began to get wider and wider and it was no longer a line as much as it was an opening. In that opening I could kind of see around Michael and he was standing on what looked like a path on the ground.
Michael started walking down the path and I went with him. Way down the path there seem to be what looked like a globe. The closer we got to it the bigger it became. The globe was pitch black in color and I couldn’t really tell whether it was solid or just a shell. As we got closer it seemed like I could see through it even though it was black. It was clearly a black sphere.
Michael walked into the sphere and I followed him. Here comes the part that I can’t talk about but I will tell you this. It took what seemed like hours of listening to Michael as he taught me what I needed to know. When we were finished, Michael and I both left the globe and started walking back down the path to the office. I had so much going on in my head from what Michael had just taught and shown me that we didn’t talk.
Once back in the office, the white glow that surrounded and covered everything subsided. The office was back to normal and Michael was standing in the middle of the Gate of Grace. Michael spoke to me one more time
Michael… Remember all I have shown you for you will need it when you teach. Our time is done, yet we will speak again. Be at peace and teach only love.
As he finished speaking, the light around him started to fold in on itself and in no time at all Michael was gone. Now I need to write this up.
May 28, 2018 Visit
Here I was with the house all to myself so I decided it would probably be a good time to start a newsletter. As soon as I got on the computer and pulled up a file to begin, I heard my name called from the office. I knew exactly what that was about. Michael had come for a visit, given we are as close to the conference as we are. I got up off the couch and headed to the office. As I rounded the corner I could see Michael standing in the center of the Gate of Grace. Even though the sun was shining into the house, Michael’s light still out shown the light from outside. As I approached the Gate of Grace with Michael standing in it, I told him I had expected to see him earlier. He just cast his gaze in my direction and spoke.
Michael… It is time for us to speak for soon you will gather in Dallas. I know you are troubled with the numbers that have registered to be there. Do not concern yourself with this. You’re kind was given an opportunity to change the course of the chaos in the world. Our kind has done and are doing everything we are allowed to do to make this so. Yet you must realize you’re kind has free will and can bring about what they desire. You were given a number that was large enough to raise the vibration that is needed. If they find no value in this, so be it. Yet I tell you truly, the number for this is not that important. Those that stand with you will bring about a change. It may not be the larger change you were hoping for, yet one will come about.
I thought that was the whole reason for the conference this year. I kind of feel like if we can’t get the number, why bother.
Michael… Did you not hear the things I have given? Should it only have been about the number I would not have given you so much for the masters. It is not the number alone that can bring about such a change. It is the masters that will have the power to do this. You are to bring about the space for the marriage of the divine masculine and divine feminine. When you bring these two vibrations together in oneness you create balance. You have speakers to teach of this with you. No master will walk away from the conference this year whose life will be unchanged. The masters have been coming to the conference for years and each time their vibrations grow. When new masters come their vibrations are raised to the vibrations of the masters that have come year after year. In this time, the masters at the conference are ready to receive the highest vibrations that have yet been given to your kind.
Okay Michael, I have some questions and some comments to make so that I know that I am clear on what you are saying. With all of these things you’ve given me to do at the conference this year, I do see that it’s more than just having 222 people there. Okay, so as I see it, the number of people you gave us is the number needed to be able to use all of the vibrations we will receive at the Conference in order to change the world. I guess you could say it’s kind of a byproduct of the Conference. Now even if we don’t get the number, we’re still going to be able to create something new. It may not go out to the entire world but it’s not like nothing will happen.
Michael… This is so.
With what you’ve given me we will also be doing the marriage of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. The ceremony you’ve given me to perform at the conference is really cool. I’m sure everyone will want to be there for it. When this happens the masters will also receive balance in their lives and be in a whole new place in their lives. I think with this balance they will make fewer mistakes because their minds and thinking will become clear.
Michael… This is also true. Old considerations and ways of thinking will begin to melt away, opening the way to create the life they truly desire.
As you suggested, I have speakers on the first day that will be teaching new concepts. This will open them up to receive and use higher vibrations that Gary, Regina and myself will be offering. Gary will be speaking on both the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. He will also speak about the Divine Marriage. Together, Gary and Regina will also teach of the Seat of Mercy and show people how to create one. Once the seats are set up, people will be able to use them at the conference and raise their vibration. I will be teaching about the Tree of Life and how to use the Sefirah in the Tree of Life. Through teaching this, I will be able to bring them to the Sefirot that is hidden or secret known as the Da’ath, which is referred to as the energy of creation, the beginning of all things in our physical world. I will also be giving the blessing this year, which is a pre-requisite to entering the Da’ath. All I need to do now is to see how many will attend in order to design the Grand Formation. Also a dress rehearsal is needed to make sure that everyone will fit in the formation.
Michael… From what you’ve said you have everything planned out quite well.
I have put a lot of work in this to make it happen. I have also had good help from the conference committee working in the background. I know your Angels will send them many blessings and I know those in attendance will make many bricks for their mansion. I would like to think it’s all down hill from here and it will get easier but I know better. I am been doing this long enough to know that no matter how well I have it planned out, something is going to go wrong and there is going to be a breakdown. And whenever there is a breakdown it just has to be handled, so for me the work begins a couple of days before the conference and doesn’t end until the day after the conference. So tell me again, why am I doing this?
Michael… You are doing this because you choose to. Our time is done for now. We will be with you at the conference, so from now until then, be at peace and teach only love.
I just stood there, looking at Michael surrounded in the ball of light. I must say he looks so magnificent and definitely inspires awe to behold him. I continued the watch as he began to fade and folded back into the light. He was gone but he did leave me with some good information that I am now imparting to you.
Bless your hearts and I’ll see you at the conference.
November, 2018 Visit PDF version
I was standing in the office taking inventory of tuning forks after sending out all the orders that came in a while ago. I was also thinking about the deposit for the hotel which I am a little short of because there haven’t been enough registrations just yet. As luck would have it, I got a call from one of the masters and told her about the problem. She generously offered to pay $25 of the next 20 people to register. She said that would be like the early bird special last year and maybe that would help people to register. I thanked her and told her we would get that on the web page. Just as I finished taking inventory at the supply table, I looked up to see my shadow on the wall ahead of me. I didn’t turn on the lights and since it was overcast outside, this shadow should have not have been there. Once again I knew angels were afoot.
Michael…Blessed are you and those that stood with you in the Grand formation. Their vibrations have caused a shift in the way of your world.
Well it took you long enough to stop by and say something. I was beginning to think because we missed the number your kind was done with us.
Michael… Our kind was waiting for you to decide if you were done with us. It was up to you whether or not you were going to hold another conference.
Yes, I was disappointed that the number was not made. There was so much that could have happened if we hit the number. I have been doing this work and believe me it is work putting the conferences together each year. Each year you give us a number to raise the vibrations high enough to really cause something magnificent to happen. After all the work I put into having a conference, I said to myself, “I don’t know if I have another conference in me.” But who knows, maybe this year is the year we hit the number and the world changes. I guess we will see. And you know what really impressed me about the conference was how smoothly the whole thing went. When it came time for the Grand Formation, there were exactly seven masters that stood in each place. There weren’t any major breakdowns that I had to handle like with other years. Everything was just perfect. Except for the numbers not being what you asked for, it was a great conference.
Michael… It is true that vibrations were extremely high with the number that did attend. The Da’ath process did much to raise them even higher. The creative vibrations that each received have given those the power to create in their lives like never before. Some of the maters are having profound results when they use this process. It would be wise to do this process again this year. I will give the making of a new sacred oil to raise your vibrations even higher. When the master anoints themselves with this sacred oil it will become easier to enter the Da’ath. When combined with the vibrations of the Da’ath fork and the sacred oil, they will enter the Da’ath in perfect harmony.
The sacred Da’ath oil has the highest vibration of all the sacred oils given you except the Holy I Am.
Well I can understand the difference between the two. The sacred I Am oil is used as a gift to God, which makes a space Holy and not for us. On the other hand ,with the Da’ath oil we anoint ourselves with it for our use. This sounds pretty cool. How do I make it and what do we do with it?
Michael… I will give you what oils to blend to make the sacred oil yet you will not speak of the ingredients until after the conference. You will make the number of 2ml bottles needed for each master that registers and stands with you. You will tell them the way of using it at the conference. Each of masters will speak the words I will give you and anoint themselves before entering the Da’ath this year. Their entering of the Da’ath will be quite profound this year.
Well we only have six months to wait. Let me change the topic. Some of the masters have asked me about your visits. In the past it seemed like you were visiting me all the time with things to tell me for the masters. You have been coming less and less over the past years. Before this visit you didn’t come since before the conference last year. That’s why I thought your kind gave up on us because we didn’t hit the number.
Michael… Our kind has never given up on yours. We will give to your kind what your kind is ready for. When they have used the knowledge we have given them, we give more for when they are ready to receive. Should we give that which they are not ready for it will not be understood and the knowledge will be wasted. Our kind sees what your kind does with what was given. When your kind has mastered what was given, they are ready for more. We have given what we have because it is being used. No one will know the benefits of the tools we have given you to teach the masters if they don’t use them. As you have seen with the sacred oils and with the tuning forks, they work when they are used. Some of your kind desire to grow and build their spiritual character for a closer relationship with their God.
Yet how many of the masters have taken the time to use the 50 gates that were given to you. This is not something that was given to do once and be done. The 50 Gates is an ongoing inquiry to find out how you are doing in your life with your spiritual path. It would be wise for the masters to do the 50 Gates process before the conference. This is not something that one has to do but rather something that can be useful to them.
So what you are saying is if we use what we have given us, we open the way to learn more. Well over the years your kind has given us so much information. I mean if you go back and read all the visits on my web page you can follow all of the knowledge we received. Some of it is very simple and other things are quite profound. I have noticed that all you have given us has been leading us to a higher place with each year that passes. Over the past few years I feel like we are reaching a point to where we have come as far as we can with what we have. At this point it seems if we can reach the number you set out for us, it would open a whole new realm of energy and spiritual growth.
Michael… This is so. Do not think that if the number is missed that nothing happens. Know that each one that stands with you in the grand formation is at cause. They bring in the vibrations to raise the spiritual energy in your world. As they gathered in the past, their vibrations have brought about a change. Their vibrations have made things a little bit different, a little bit better. It is not an easy matter to bring balance to this energy when the balance has been off for so long. When the number is reached the stimulus needed to achieve the desired result will jump start that which is desired. Your kind has tried in these past years to achieve their objective yet it has not happened. When the energy shifts it is not noticeable because it is so slight. However, if the number is reached the vibrations will be high enough to cause a quantum shift.
I get everything you are telling. You’re preaching to the choir when you talk to me. I have been doing this with you angels long enough now that I have seen amazing things happen. I am at the point where I don’t know what will happen if and when we do hit the number. I do however feel that if we get the number that you asked for, whatever it is, something magnificent will happen and everyone will see that happen. Well, all I can do is my part to make sure that we have a conference again this year and then it’s up to the masters to either be there or not. So what else have you got for me?
Michael… You are reaching once again the time of the Novus Invicta. It would be wise for as many masters to participate at this time. Though it is referred to as the birth of the light it means more than just the sun returning to the north. This process opens the way for each one doing the process to the light of wisdom, both mentally and spiritually. It will also enhance one’s thinking process so that they will make wiser decisions and fewer mistakes. The Novus Invicta process will also assist the masters in reaching the Conference number this year.
I just finished doing an inventory before you visited and I have all of the things that someone would need for the Novus Invicta process. The good news is that if people order quickly, there still time for me to send it out and get it to them in time. It would be great if everyone had what they needed but it’s like I tell everybody, do the best you can in doing a process with what you have because God is very understanding. I find that with any process, one’s participation in the process is the most important thing. I also tell people the reason for doing the processes is to do the process.
Michael… You have been given enough for now and that should keep you busy until our next visit. We will speak again soon yet until then, be at peace and teach only love.
Once again, I watch the ball of light fade as it folded in on itself and Michael was gone. I was kind of expecting more from him, however Michael says what Michael has to say and that’s pretty much it. He’s given me a lot to think about and stuff to do so I will be about that. Now I need to go write this visit and get it out.
Bless Your Heart,