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Angelic Visits 2009
January 2, 2009
The first day of the New Year had come and gone as I crawled into bed for a good night’s sleep. I don’t know how long I had been sleeping when I woke up feeling something was amiss. It wasn’t like I could put my finger on anything being wrong but something was out. I got out of bed, put on my pants and went to check the house. First, I checked on the kids and as I passed through the living room I could hear Dude snoring. There was comfort in that because if the 230 pound English Mastiff was sleeping things must be in order. I turned on the hallway light so I could see in the girls room to find them sleeping under their covers. Next, I checked on Jon thinking I was glad I turned on a light so I could navigate the things he had scattered on the floor and he too was fast asleep. Turning off the hallway light, I headed back towards the office at the other end of the house.
I saw a light beginning to form in the office and knew at once there were angels afoot tonight. Walking through the kitchen I was drawn to look at the clock to see the time. Interesting, I thought, for the time was 1:44 in the morning. As I stepped into the office Michael had fully manifested in the Gate of Grace.
The Festival of Light has passed. The masters have sent the light of wisdom out into the world. Yet, I tell you truly the darkness of ignorance stands against the light; there is much to be done in the time to come.
I guessed this meant that he was going to take me back to the place where the Metatron tent was. I walked over to the gate and stood next to him and he started speaking.
The masters will need to bring their giftedness to the vibrations of peace and the light of truth and wisdom. Behold.
Michael pointed to a table that Robbie uses for work just outside of the center of the gate. It was loaded with oil bottles both full and to be filled. I watched as they all disappeared leaving only an empty table. I thought he had better make sure everything gets back where it was because Robbie would not be happy if it wasn’t.
This will serve as an altar that you may see that which is to be done. Set this as you have done for calling in and sending out the vibrations of peace and the light of truth.
The brochure with the grand formation on it that we used at the Eden Event came into view. Next was the Michael stone with the Shekinah flame on it followed by the Metatron stone and the Metatron flame. I continued to watch as the incense burner that I use came into view along with the I Am oil and the Novus Invicta oil. Ok Michael, I can see you are setting this all up like we did for the processes leading up and including the Festival of Light. I turned to Michael and said I don’t think you are showing me all this because you could have just told me what to do and when.
What you and the masters have done is done. That which you do now is for a greater reason. Look now.
Michael pointed to the table and my eyes followed his finger. I saw other things on the table. There was not only the white candle but seven other candles each a color of the rainbow from red to violet. There were other oils on the table that matched the gifts of the seven masters (the Seven Gifts oils or Church oils). There were also the three tuning forks we use to tune the vibrations of the formation and the space (222, 333, and the 444 forks). Next to those tuning forks were angelic tuning forks from the Tree of Life set. I could see from this things were going to get real different in what we were going to be doing.
Do as you would to set the vibrations for the space of the sending and calling back.
I moved over to the table and seeing the stones and flames were in place I took a small piece of charcoal and put a drop of I Am oil on it and lit it in the burner. I stepped back and let the smoke from the oil rise into the air. When that was done I reached into my pocket for my lighter and lit the white candle and set it in the middle of the formation. I placed the lighter on the table and tuned the Shekinah with the 222 Hz fork and did the same with the Metatron with the 333 Hz fork. When I finished that I tuned the space with the 444 Hz fork starting with the formation and moving out to the room. That being done I reached for the Novus Inviocta oil.
Not yet. Take the oil of Smyrna and place a drop on your crown.
I did as he said.
Light the red candle.
Picking up the red candle and my lighter, I lit the candle. The flame on the candle seemed to have a red glow coming from it. The candle was long and skinny just like the other ones and I was wondering how I was going to set it down. I looked to the table and saw that Michael thought of everything. He had somehow placed the Menorah candle holder we used at the Eden Event on it. I placed the red candle in the first holder on its left. That being done I looked to see the red glow wasn’t coming from the candle but from behind it.
Take up the vibration of Khamael and strike it.
I struck the Khamael tuning fork on my knee and as it started ringing I could see the angel Khamael start to form across from the red candle. As soon as Khamael was formed Michael spoke again.
Take up the oil of Novus Invicta and place a drop on your finger.
I did as he said.
Place the drop of oil on your crown and say that which I tell you. “As a master, I charge Khamael to bring the light of courage to me.”
I looked over to Khamael and said “As a master, I charge Khamael to bring the light of courage to me.” Khamael raised her hands in front of her putting them together forming a cup. I could see a red ball of light forming in her hands. She moved slowly to me where her fingertips were less than an inch from my chest. The ball of red light rose slightly and moved forward from her hands and into my chest.
You have received the light of courage.
I just stood there wondering what to do next when I felt a tingling sensation on the top of my head, as near as I could tell there was a red light coming from the top of my head and cascading down to form a ball of red light all around me.
Now say this, “As a master of the courage within me, I send this with the light of wisdom into the world.”
Again, I said what he told me to and I watched as the light started to grow. The wall of the red light was moving outward. I realized that the red light was moving out into the world. It moved slowly at first but the farther it got from me the faster it went. Then poof the red light was gone. That was pretty cool Michael.
I wondered what he was talking about. Wait for what? Then I saw what he wanted me to see. I saw the red light coming back. However, it wasn’t the ball of light I sent out. I could see it was hundreds of balls of the red light moving faster and faster to me. I looked around to see the red light was coming all directions. Did I do all of this?
No. This is the light of courage and wisdom sent out from other masters.
I see, I said. What I sent out goes out to everyone else and what everyone sent out came back to me.
That which the masters send out will be returned to them a hundred fold. In the time to come the giftedness of all will be visited on all. This must be done before the coming of the Eden Event. Each will hold the seven gifts in Oneness.
I think I understand what you are telling me. Each of the seven archetypes or colors has their own specific gifts of which they are the master of. What you are having us do is come together with all the gifts so that we can work as one at the Eden Event.
This is so. You will start this on the seventh day of the month you call February doing as I have shown you. You will for six days after place one drop of the Smyrna on your crown to hold the vibration. On the twenty-first day you will do that which I have shown you with Tzaphqiel and the oil of Ephesus to balance the emotions. You will then use the oil of Ephesus for six days. On the twenty-eighth day the masters will gather with others in oneness. Begin with placing on the grand formation my stone (the Michael stone) with the Shekinah flame on it in the West. Place the Metatron stone with the Metatron flame on it in the East. Burn the I AM oil and each will then anoint themselves with the oils Smyrna and Ephesus on their crown before they start. Each will say ‘I allow wisdom to fill my being and my emotions to be in balance.’ Each will then anoint themselves with the Novus Invicta oil on their crown and say. ‘I place this oil that my mind may become a beacon of the light of love and wisdom.’ They will then light the white candle. You will tune the place of the Shekinah to the vibration of 222 Hz and the place of the Metatron to 333 Hz. When you have done this seal the space with the vibration of 444 Hz. You will sing (I am, you are, we are one) facing the grand formation 9 times. You will then turn out to the world saying (As a child of God, I send the vibrations of peace and the light of truth out to the world) by pushing outwards with the palms of your hands. You will do this 8 times. When you have done this the last time you will say (As a child of God I bring the light of divine love and wisdom through me out to the world).
I understand the process we will be doing. Given we have done courage and emotional balance this time we will do truth in the mental and healing peace the next time. We may have to change the words we say a little each time but the processes are pretty much the same. Michael continued to tell me the days and the words to say for the months to come.
There is much uncertainty in your world as the old gives way to the new. The masters will need the giftedness of each church to master that which is to come.
Uncertainty is the biggest understatement I ever heard come from you. In case you haven’t been keeping up on current events over the past months things have gotten far worst then uncertain. People have lost their jobs, their homes, their income and all their savings. I have talked to some masters that are really having tough times. Things around here aren’t all that great either. We have had to tighten our belts so to speak on many levels. I know if I keep the faith and do the things that are before me it is all going to work out. It just gets a little scary at times.
As you have been told in the past, you and yours will be taken care of.
Yes I know and you did say in the past that there would be much and soon. I just hope that the much ship comes in before the peir collapses.
The masters and you have been setting the ground work for that to happen. The much and soon of which you speak is closer than any of you think. The gifts of God will be laid at your feet. Do these things our kind has given you and the masters and all will be well.
Ok. So here is what I am going to do. I am going to write up the process that we are going to be doing a month ahead of time. I figure if I write up everything it would get confusing. You know just keep it simple.
This is wise. You have that which you need to know. Our time is done for now. We will speak again soon. Be at peace and teach only love.
Again I watched as Michael and Khamael folded back into the light and were gone. Now that I knew all was well I went back to bed.
March 26, 2009 Visit
It was around midnight when I went to bed. Robbie was having a hard time trying to get to sleep and for that matter so was I. I was tossing and turning and had a feeling that something was up that I couldn’t put my finger on. I don’t know how long I was sleeping before I was awakened by Michael’s voice.
Joe. Awaken for I would speak with you.
I got myself out of bed and put my jeans on and followed Michael out to the gate in the office. Michael turned around and looked down at me as if waiting for a question of which I had a few to ask. Robbie asked me how many masters we needed to have this year. I said 222 but she said you told me a larger number. I told her you said what would be a mighty number but that was not necessarily the number we needed.
This is so. The vibrations of 222 masters will set the frequency for the light of wisdom. Yet I say to you for each master over the number of 222 the vibration will increase 100 fold. These vibrations of the light of wisdom will be placed in the hearts, minds and the emotions of the masters. They will become the vessels of the light of wisdom that they will carry out to the world.
Well that sounds pretty cool but what does that mean for the masters? I think it’s great that they hold the light of wisdom, but can they use it?
There are those of your kind which know many things. Yet this is not wisdom.
What you mean by that is just because someone is smart or intelligent, so to speak, it doesn’t mean they are wise?
This is so. Wisdom is not measured by what one knows. Wisdom is demonstrated in the actions taken from the knowledge one holds or does not hold.
What you are talking about is the choices that people make. Sometimes very smart people make some really stupid choices that have very serious consequences. Other times people who are what you would call not so smart choose the most brilliant actions to take.
Wisdom lives in everyone. Yet one’s ability to access it does not come easily but for a few. As the light of wisdom comes from the east at this coming Eden event to fill the hearts, minds and emotions of the masters, it will balance with the light of the soul. When this is done the masters will be able to access wisdom for the actions they are about to take.
That’s what I wanted to know. If I am acting out of wisdom rather than coming out of ego I will make fewer mistakes and things will turn out better all around.
Joe you put things simply. Yet you do not understand that of which I speak. I tell you truly the masters that hold this light of wisdom within them will have their lives changed. Struggles will become simple tasks and worries will begin to fade as the darkness does at the coming of dawn. As they move through their lives all around will be changed.
Given the way things are going with the economy a little change would be a good thing. Most of what has been is in flux right now. Not just here but all over. People are wondering how they will make it to the Eden event because times are so tough.
It has been said, “The times they are a changing.” You have only to look at your houses of wealth to see this. I tell you truly the rich will always be rich and those that have little will live abundantly.'
Like no kidding. What we call Wall Street, the banks and just about everything else came really close to collapsing. The flow of money has just about stopped, which is again why people are having a problem getting to the Eden event.
The things of which you speak of were brought on by the masters. Did you think all the vibrations that were being set over the years at the Eden events would only touch a few things? The whole world is changing vibrations and in doing this some are struggling to keep things the way they have been. They cannot understand how it is that when all prosper, all prosper. They think only that they will have to give up that which they have for others to have more. They fail to see that riches are like love. The more you send out the more you receive in return. Hoarding one's riches is like hoarding one's love. Every one suffers those that have and those that have not.
As you were talking something crossed my mind. Those that were making a killing in the financial market and hoarding money aren’t making very much now. Those that weren’t making a lot of money by working at jobs are holding on to what they have and are just barely getting by. I can see how there seems to be a dam on the river of cash flow because everyone is holding on to what they have.
I tell you truly the dam of which you speak has a crack in it. Sooner than people think the dam will fail. The waters of prosperity will rush forth and wash away the poverty conscious that hoarding brings.
I can see this happening and order for this to happen we all have to stop thinking about how bad things are. We have to as I have said start thinking the unthinkable.
This is true. Had you told the masters they could wield this much power at the first Eden event no one would have believed you. The masters have taken that which only served a few and have shaken the very foundation on which it stood. Take all that you have done and bring in to this the light of wisdom and the world will start to return Eden to all. You are close and have the power to see it through.
Cool. I know everything is going to be ok. I guess we are all looking for a sign things are getting better.
You need no sign. You and the masters were given the way to bring about a change from that which has been to that which will be. Over the past months the master were given a way to cause this. Some have done the processes I gave to be done. Many have let these fall to the wayside not understanding the power these vibrations hold. This has slowed that which could be. Had not the few called in our kind with the gifts of the seven churches things would be much worse than they are. In two days they will finish with the gifts of Pergamum and Sardis. There but three gifts yet to call forth. Will the few be at cause for what will be or will the masters come together in oneness as a mighty number and shake loose that which is.
I see your point. We as masters are creating the space for the next Eden event and the direction the world will go - as well as the speed that it will happen. All I can tell you is that the masters will do what they do and will have what they have. I have faith that the masters can and will come together in oneness as a mighty vibration.
They have done this in the past and caused much.
That they have. I have a question about something else to ask.
You would know of something that has not happened yet. All I will say of this is that which needs to be done is being done. You cannot guess when this will be done nor shall I tell you. I do say this. Be patient and righteous in your actions for these will bring forth the rewards you seek.
I know, I know, that is all you are going to tell me so I won’t push it.
In this you are wise. Our time is coming to an end for now.
One more question about the Eden event before you have to go. Given we are having 222 masters this year. Will we use one of the old formations for that number?
No. I will give you another in which the masters will stand to call the light of wisdom when we speak again. For now be at peace and teach only love.
Michael began folding into the bright light that surrounded him and he was gone. I noticed that it was light outside and decided to make some coffee and get ready to start my day.
Good Friday Visit, May 12, 2009
I was sitting in the office late playing Texas Hold’em online when I heard a voice from behind me.
Finish that which you are doing for I would speak with you.
I looked over my shoulder to see Michael standing in the Gate of Grace. I folded my hand and closed the program. I figured you would be showing up at this time. We are getting close to the Eden event so I kind of knew you would be visiting with words of wisdom for the masters.
Of that which we will speak is more of mechanics than of wisdom. I shall show you the way in which the formation will be set. Look.
Michael moved his hand and everything in front of me and behind him became an open field. I guessed this is where the formation was going to take place. It did look like one of the pictures I had seen of the grounds where we will be. This is where it got a little different as far as formations go. I watched as people started to gather making what looked like the Metatron formation that we used last year. I understood what it looked like set up but the Metatron he was showing me took on another aspect this time. People were not only forming the outside design of the geometry but they were filling the inside also. I watched as the people started making lines connect to one another from side to side of the Metatron formation. When they were finished it reminded me of something Gary and Jewls were talking about. It was close but not the same. The people formed a weave as they passed through the inside of the Metatron formation. There was a hole in the center of the formation from which a ball of energy formed. The people making up the whole formation were creating the energy and receiving it at the same time. "Well Michael this looks pretty cool but I don’t see how we could put the Shekinah formation and the altar there at the same time."
That which you speak of is the grand formation. What I have shown you is that which the masters may sanctify the ground for the coming of the Metatron, the bringer of wisdom. When you set the grand formation you will bring into being the wisdom of the Metatron with the compassionate love of the Shekinah. The creation of compassionate wisdom is a light the darkness of ignorance cannot overcome.
I understand what you are saying. I can also see how this will work at the Eden event given what we are about this year. You know the formation looks kind of like a rose.
It is a rose yet it is like none before. You are creating the rose of Shekinah from which the Metatron’s seeds of compassionate wisdom will be carried across the world.
You are talking about the masters that make up the formation being the seeds aren’t you? They are the ones that will become the seeds of wisdom.
Yes. Yet you have not set the teachers of wisdom for this year.
That’s true. However, I have talked to a few of them and it is in their hands. As you know there are some powerful teachers of ancient Eastern wisdom that are working out their schedules. One of the teachers has a few others he wants to invite, but I have to talk to them first. He knows some really amazing people.
You have not yet started the altar bowl. Do you remember that which is to be written upon it?
I do. I have it in my computer where I can get it when I need it.
It would be wise not to wait until the last minute to finish.
I know, and I will get it done in plenty of time. There is one other thing Robbie asked me. She wanted to know about the number of masters attending this year.
Each year you come to me with this question.
True, but this year the economy isn’t as good as it has been in the past.
Trouble yourself not. Last year the masters sent out the first vibrations of peace. This year they will gather the wisdom to use those vibrations. I see on your face you do not understand of which I speak.
I think I do. There are wars going on in our world and it would really be wonderful if it wasn’t so.
Now your words betray that which you think you understand. The wars of which you speak are but the physical presence of the war your kind holds in your hearts. You speak of the economy being in lack yet it is but again the lack held in the hearts of your kind. God provides all things that are needed and more. Yet few have the compassionate wisdom to receive all that is laid at their feet. As the masters gather this wisdom they will begin to bring peace and harmony into their hearts. The fear that causes poverty and war in your world will vanish as the morning dew in the light of the sun. You would worry of the number coming to the Eden event lacking that which is needed. I tell you truly should the masters understand the wisdom they will gain, the place you have this year is too small. Trust the masters for they will choose wisely.
I hear you.
Our time is done. We will speak again soon. Be at peace and teach only love.
I did have a few more things to ask but Michael folded back into the light and was gone before I could. I figured whatever I had to ask was for another time or place.
June 11, 2009 Visit
I just finished lettering the altar bowl for this year’s event and headed to the office to turn off the desk light I left on. As I walked into the kitchen I saw a ball of light forming in the center of the office where the Gate of Grace is. I should have known Michael would show up as soon as I did but I wondered what he was going to say this visit. I watched as Michael formed in the middle of the ball of light.
The altar bowl is ready to be fired. You have gotten the foam alter stones as I have asked.
I did and I must say they will not be as heavy as the other altar stone you had me make last year. All that is left to do is fire the green wear and then glaze it and fire on the gold and it is done. Provided this one doesn’t break like the one did last year.
Great care was taken and I tell you truly when fired it will not break.
Now that is good news however, I don’t think you are here to reassure about the altar bowl.
This is so. I have come to speak with you about the Eden event.
I bet it is about the number of people attending this year.
This is also true. A great burden has been laid upon the masters that will stand with you in the grand formation. Not since the time of Solomon has so much compassionate wisdom been bestowed on your kind. Those that stand with you will suffer the brunt of so much wisdom to come so quickly.
I thought that if we didn’t have the number we just wouldn’t receive the wisdom.
Time is much too short for that which is to come to wait for the masters to gather in the numbers you were given. You have only three Eden events left to gather the masters at. This year and next is of wisdom for this enlightenment is much too great to be given in one event. Yet I tell you truly this one is the foundation for that which is to come.
Michael you are scaring me here. I don’t want to have a bunch of crazies’ left at the end of this Eden event. I mean if this stuff is too powerful can’t you just oh say give us a little of it rather than dumping it on us.
You alone are the one to ready the masters to receive the wisdom that will be given. Those that have been chosen to teach will help in this.
So, in other words this is going to be a piece of cake with the other teachers helping. Yes?
No. You and the masters will need more than that.
You are going to explain how this is going o work?
I will not allow harm to come to the masters that stand with you. You must scatter the wisdom that is given to the masters in the grand formation with those that are not there. I give sacred oil that others will glean wisdom from the masters in the grand formation lessening the shock upon them.
Ok. I think. The masters in the grand formation are going to get a jolt of wisdom so to speak. The oil is going to help how?
The masters standing in the grand formation will receive the oil that their vibrations are to be the same. Compassionate wisdom will enter all standing with you. The masters that will not stand in the grand formation may place the sacred oil on their crown each day of the Eden event that they may share with parts of the compassionate wisdom that is given.
I get it - each day of the event the masters that are not there standing with us will anoint themselves and tune their vibrations to ours. Because they are not there they won’t get the full effect but they will help in dispersing the energy so we are not overwhelmed. That sounds like a good plan to me. So tell me how to make this oil.
Simply said yet you understand that of which I speak. Take the oils of which I speak and place them in the numbers I tell you. Give not the making of this oil to others.
Just tell me what I need to make it and I will keep the amounts to myself.
Take the holy oils of Frankincense, Myrrh, and the anointing oil of Spikenard for its sacred vibrations. Take the oil Rose for the vibration of the feminine along with the oil Cedar wood for strength. Add the oil of Angelica that our kind may enter. Blend these oils in this way.
I can’t tell you how he told me but I guess there was a reason for the process.
Those that do not stand in the grand formation will say “As a child of God, I anoint myself to share in the Compassionate wisdom given to the masters.” They will then place a drop on their crowns. They will do this each night of the event that their vibrations are tuned to receive. It would be wise that they are in their Holy of Holies when you gather in the grand formation.
Is that a have to?
No. Just wise. It would also be wise for these masters to do this each month on the 4th day of each month until you gather again in the grand formation in the West (2010).
How do we use the oil at the event? How much should this oil of compassionate wisdom cost?
I will tell you when you arrive at where the Eden event will take place. There is more that will be given there of which you will do and teach. The oil is the same as the I AM oil.
I just love it when you spring things on me at the last minute.
You already know that which will be asked of you. It is as you say a piece of cake.
Well in that case I am up to the task.
Of course you are. There are other questions that you would ask yet I tell you truly ask them not. Be about that which we have given you and all else will be given. Our time is done. Be at peace and teach only love.
When Michael was done speaking he folded back into the light like he did so many times before. I, on the other hand, went to see if I had all the oils he gave me.
August 20, 2009 Visit
I woke up thinking it was the sun coming in through the window. How can I sleep with the sun shining in the bedroom I thought to myself as I opened my eyes? Much to my surprise it wasn’t the sun at all. I sat up and found myself surrounded in white light. No matter which way I turned my head to try to see something all I could see was this bright white glow. Still groggy from my slumber I tried to wrap my mind around what was happening to me. I wondered if this was the work of angels when a chill ran down my spine. Did I die in my sleep and I am just waiting for someone to come and collect me and take me home?
No Joe you did not die in your sleep. We would speak with you.
To say I am relieved would be an understatement. However, don’t you think you could have just gotten me up like you usually do? As I said that I moved my leg over to where the side of the bed should have been. This is strange I thought. Did I get turned around in the bed? I started to feel around with my hands to see if I could feel anything. As my hands glided over the surface of what I thought to be the bed there was no Robbie, no pillow or covers for that matter.
I still couldn’t see anything but white. I never realized how hard it is to stand up when you have no frame of reference where you are. I managed to get on my hands and knees but when I took my hands of the ground/floor or whatever it was I couldn’t keep my balance. Again I heard Michaels voice.
I tried to stand once again and once again I could not keep my balance. Look Michael I feel like I am drunk out of my mind and can’t get to my feet. You are going to have to give me more to go on than just stand.
I didn’t know why he had come or what he had to say. This was his first visit since the Eden event and I had a lot of questions. So I figured if I was going to get any information I needed to stand. Again I tried to stand up only to fall over on my backside. You must be getting a good chuckle out of making a fool out of me I thought which was something I didn’t care for. Again I told him you are going to have to give me more to go on. I need more than just white everywhere. My world works in 3-D I said to him as I sat on my hip.
Move your hand as far to the right as you can.
Now we are getting somewhere I thought. Maybe there is a wall I could use to get to my feet. I started to move my fingers to the right as far as I could. I rolled over on to my side to get a longer reach. I reached out and slowly my fingers came to an edge that I thought was the side of the bed. Rolling on to my stomach and stretching my legs out my toes went over another edge. I am not on my bed I thought. I started to explore the shape of whatever this thing was I was on. As best as I could conclude I was on about a 6 or 7 foot square something. Granted I inched around to find out the shape of this I had no idea of what it was. I grabbed one of the edges and pulled myself over to it. My hand went over the side. Next went my arm all the way to my arm pit. I couldn’t feel a floor that this was standing on.
You want me to stand when I can’t see where I am. I know there is a shape and I know how big it is. I also know that there is an edge that when I reach over I can’t feel the bottom. What is over the edge?
Nothing. Now stand.
If I stand and loose my balance I might fall over the side where there is nothing to break the fall.
You are afraid of falling off. Stand.
Fear does play a part in the way I will do what you ask. You take me blindly into this and expect me to go along with it. I tell you I live in a 3-D world and you give me a cube to stand on where there is no bottom over the side. Do you take me for some kind of an idiot? You don’t show up for months after the Eden event. You leave us all hanging as to what we did or did not accomplish and when you do you want me to play this silly game. If this is the best you have to offer you can just put me back in my bed and come back when you have something worthwhile to offer.
Now anger and resignation. Stand.
No. Not until you give me what I need to stand. I waited for Michael to say something but he didn’t. I also waited for Michael to change something so I could see where I was. I scooted back away from the edge where there was nothing below to what I figured was the middle of the square. I sat up and crossed my arms and legs and waited. I don’t know how long I waited but I could feel my legs starting to fall asleep. Ok, I said it is your move Michael.
There was no answer. I knew I couldn’t sit like I was much longer so I stretched my legs out in front of me. That wasn’t much more comfortable ether. Maybe if I could dangle legs over the side I could get more comfortable I thought. I started doing a crab walk slowly over to a side of the square. As my heel came to the edge I positioned my body where I could swing my lower legs over the side. I brought my legs over the side and was intending to sit there until Michael came to his senses. What am I saying? All of this is craziness on my part. I should known Michael has a reason for where things are going. I should have remembered he isn’t going to let anything bad happen. Instead of my legs dropping over the side towards the nothingness my heels hit something. I paused and then started feeling with my feet what it was. It was a flat surface about six inches below the top of the square I was sitting on. The flat surface seemed to run along that side of the square and ran out about eight inches to the edge of it. I took my foot and pushed it over the side and found another flat surface with an edge. I moved to the edge of the square moving my legs and feet farther and farther down. I moved my butt down to the first flat surface and then I realized what it was. They were stairs. This side of the square has stairs. I rolled over to one side pulling my legs under me and stood up.
Well done.
As soon as he started to speak everything began to change. I wasn’t standing on a square jutting up from a bottomless pit. I was standing in a cube. Had I reach out instead of down I would have found a wall on three sides of what I thought was a square. The walls were about a hands length out but my fear of falling only let me feel the edge. In front of me lay the staircase leading down into a huge Gate of Grace. There was an angel standing at each position in the gate holding different colored ball of light. Even though the white was gone I couldn’t see beyond the gate.
Come. Join with our kind. Stand here with me.
I walked down the stairs and crossed the short path leading to Michael. I stood next to him looking around at the other angels wondering what was going to happen next. No sooner did I have that thought when the angels started to sing their note for each color. Their voices were purer then notes I ever heard before. My eyes turned away from all the angels and looked to the center.
Know now that which will be given.
As soon as he said that there was something starting to happen in the center of the gate. I could see waves shimmering up - like you see on a road on a hot summer day. These waves began turning into a violet flame. I knew this was the energy of the Shekinah and expected her to manifest at any moment. Instead something else started taking place. At first a globe of clear light started to form around the flame. Then the globe of clear light started to pulsate with flashes of white light. I guessed this was a coming together of the Shekinah and the Metatron. The whiteness didn’t interfere with my ability to see the violet flame clearly. This may sound strange but it wasn’t like the flame was in the ball of light. It was more like they were two events happening at the same time being one thing. Then they spoke as one.
You have overcome that which held you. That which held you still holds your kind in its grip. Fear, ignorance and anger stands in the way of love, compassion and wisdom. The burden that was placed upon you and the masters will be tested many times before you gather in the west. Your kind must learn to use compassionate wisdom in love.
I thought you put the compassionate wisdom within us at the event and we sent it out to the world.
If you are given food and will not eat will you not hunger? If you are given water and will not drink will you not thirst? Knowing there is food and water in abundance does little if you do not partake of it.
Why wouldn’t if you knew it was there?
Did you not stand in the cube of the Metatron when Michael called you?
Well yeah. But that was a little different. I was standing in all this white light and couldn’t see anything.
You were standing in the light of grace and were unaware of it. The grace was there yet you did not know this. Had you opened your heart to it you would have seen where you were standing. You made that which was not true, true.
In other words, I saw what I wanted to see. I will tell you what I do see. I see this was a set up so I could learn something rather than you just telling me. That was smart on your part because I only would have heard what I wanted. With me going through it, it gave me the experience of it.
No. You were given that which you call an opportunity to choose. As with you, each has the freedom of choice. Though you stand in grace will you choose from compassionate wisdom or will your choice be made from the fear of that which has been in the past.
I see your point. We tend to choose how we will act given what has happened in our past. Kind of like if it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck it is a duck. So act accordingly.
You do not see that of which we speak. Compassionate wisdom is not a state of mind in which you live. Compassionate wisdom is a choice of being from which you act in your affairs with yourself and with others. When you choose to act from this space you and all around you is lifted to a higher vibration.
I see.
You only need to be aware of where you are in the moment. Once you do you may then choose the direction the next moment will go. You were given oils that your vibrations may be raised. Blessed are the masters that stood with you at Eden this year. Blessed are the masters that joined you from afar. Blessed are all that anoint themselves on the fourth day of the month and the months to come. Blessed are the masters that will make the way for the Eden event in the West. That your path may be made straight and high with vibration in the time to come we give you that which will help you.
I take it when you say you, you mean all of us?
This is so. That you may act with compassionate wisdom, do this. Place our oil on your hearts.
When you say our oil you mean the oil of the Shekinah and Metatron? Yes?
Yes. You will have need to place our oil on your hearts on the fourth day of each month.
I take it we are changing what we have done in the past?
You are. After you have placed the oil on your heart you will say “As a child of God, I open myself to the vibrations of compassionate wisdom.” You will place the oil of compassionate wisdom on your crown and say “Let the vibrations of compassionate wisdom manifest within me and those around me.”
So this is a new process that we will be doing I take it. Do we need to do this in the Gate of Grace and do we need to go to our holy of holies?
Yes. As you do this you will become more aware of your words and actions as will those around you. I would be wise to enter the Gate of Grace and return to your Holy of Holies when you do this. This may be done without the Gate of Grace and entering your Holy of Holies yet the vibrations will not be as powerful. One may in the days after this is done feel the need to use the compassionate wisdom oil again. Should this be so only place the oil on the crown and say “Let the vibrations of compassionate wisdom manifest within me and those around me this day.”
Ok than, we are changing the way we have been doing the process for raising the vibrations of compassionate wisdom. I really like that we can recharge ourselves with the oil of compassionate wisdom if we feel we need to.
What we have given is much more than that which you call a recharge. See you this.
I watched as everything began to clear starting with just outside of the Gate. I could see past the angels standing in the Gate. I started seeing the ground that seemed to go on forever covered in the most beautiful shade of green grass. Next, I saw the ball of clear white light with the purple flame in it rise. I guessed it to be maybe chest high to me and under it formed a white stone looking altar.
Sitting on top of the altar was the same bowl we used at the last Eden event and it was filled with light. I saw a woman dressed in violet and purple on one side of the altar and a man dressed in white on the other side. From there I could see people forming next to each angel. It was strange in as much as they were people but I could almost see through them. I looked outside of the Gate and saw others starting to form also. They looked very much the same as the people standing next to the angels.
There were hundreds of people standing in front of me. I turned around to see if it was the same beside me. It was the same behind me except it wasn’t me standing next to Michael now. I was looking around now from inside of the Gate. There was some kind of a pattern to where everyone was standing but I couldn’t make it out. I guessed this to be a very large formation. When I turned back to the center I was standing next to the altar and had to look up to see the ball of clear white light with the purple flame in it. I was in the center of the Gate.
The ball of clear white light starting pulsating slowly at first and then began to pick up speed. The purple flame began to grow with intensity and I could almost feel heat waves coming off of it. As the flame raged to the point that I didn’t think the ball of light couldn’t possibly contain it any longer the ball started a radiating wave of its own. These waves looked like the magnetic field the earth has.
The top and bottom of the ball of white light opened. I knew this because I could see little purple flames coming out of the top and rolling out of the bottom. I watched as bolt of purple fire suddenly drove its self with great force out of the bottom of the ball of light down through the altar bowl and the altar itself and into the ground. I could swear I felt a shock wave under my feet. From the top of the ball of clear pulsating white light a pillar of purple flame rose into the air to about fifty or sixty feet.
I watched as the flaming pillar split into two snaking ropes of flame acting like a fire hose turned on with no one holding on to it. These flames whipped around in the air rolling hither and yon like a giant bull whip of purple fire. The tip of each flame curled towards the center of the flame dropping downwards. I noticed the two curled flame tips coming together in the center made it look like a giant heart made of flames. I watched as the two purple flames slowly began to roll out from the center. One of the flames tip reach out high in the air above the woman dressed in purple and violet - who I assumed was Robbie. The other flame was high in the sky rolling out over me and I watched the tip extend out to as far as it could reach.
There was a pause for just a moment. It was almost like time stood still in that moment. Then without warning the tip of the purple flame shot back across the sky. I stood by as the tip purple flame headed toward Robbie. What I didn’t notice was that the tip of other flame was heading towards me. Just as I saw the tip of purple flame strike burrowing deep into Robbie’s chest the other flame hit me.
I had expected the feeling of being hit in the chest by a baseball bat or a Mac truck. That was not the case. Whatever the purple flame was or the energy it was carrying was more like feeling of Shakti - like what people receive during the blessing only it was focused to the heart. I had what I could only describe as an over whelming feeling of perfection.
As soon as I got myself mentally together enough to see what was going on I watched the purple flames do their work. They whipped from one person to another striking each in the chest. It reminded me of two giant snakes striking everyone in range. With lightning speed they struck. Some of the people received the flame like you would a hug from a little girl. Others staggered back as the purple flame indiscriminately struck one and moved on to the next. Some of the people fell to their knees as if the energy was too much to handle.
I don’t know how long it took for the purple flame to touch everyone there. It seemed to take forever and then the striking stopped. The two purple flames rejoined back into one pillar of a magnificent giant purple flame.
I continued to watch as the pillar of flame collapsed downward into its self and back into the ball of clear white light. No sooner did that happen than the flame of clear white light and the purple flame just went poof and was gone.
That was interesting I thought to myself when I noticed something very, very profound had happened. I looked across the alter and saw Robbie and in her chest I could see as plain as day a ball of clear white light with a small purple flame in it sitting in her heart. I looked out at the other people there and each of them held in their hearts that same little ball of clean white light holding a purple flame.
Do you see what is to be gained for yourself and others? All that has come to be this night is a reflection of what is to come when next you stand at Eden’s gate.
You mean of course the next Eden event?
I do. That which you have experienced this night is so that you may become aware of that which you are being. Others will read and see these things in themselves and become aware. Walk with me.
I did as Michael asked. We headed back towards the cube where this night had started. We went up the steps and I was standing in the cube once more only this time with Michael.
Those that will stand with you this coming year will be given a great gift. It passes the understanding of your kind.
What are we supposed to do with it or better yet how do we use it?
You will need to receive the gift before it can be used. The way of the gift is not something you learn. The gift is something you have. Use the oils as they have been given. Ready yourselves to receive for I tell you truly the Eden event will be upon you before you know it. Strengthen your awareness for you will have need of it. Be at peace and teach only love. Before you ask, you did well at the Eden event even though you couldn’t remember anyone’s name. You all did.
No sooner had he said that he was gone and I was standing in utter darkness. I wanted to ask him more questions but I guess he knew that. Maybe that’s the reason he left. Going from being in the brightness of where I was into this darkness left me blinded. I looked around to see if maybe this was another demonstration of how I would react to things or if we were really finished.
It wasn’t long before I started to see some light. At first it was just a glimmer over to my left at a short distance. As I stood there the light became more pronounced and things started to be more recognizable. The light was coming in through our small bathroom window. At the level my eyes were to the window and the softness of what I was standing on I knew I was standing on the bed. I immediately sat down because I knew there was a ceiling fan above my head somewhere in this darkness. By this time I could make out objects in the scant light in the room. I found the covers and pulled them over me and fell into a deep sleep.
November 1, 2009 Visit
Joe, awaken for the three kings have returned from the East.
I awoke groggy with the words still sounding in my mind. Three Kings from the East, just what is that supposed to mean I asked myself. The light from Michael filled the room as I looked over to Robbie who was still sleeping. Dragging myself out of bed I grabbed my pants and put them on. Michael was out of the room before I knew it, leaving it dark. I was glad I got dressed before he did. I headed to the office to find Michael standing in the Gate of Grace.
Time is short for the fourth day will be upon you and the masters.
Yes. I know that and everyone knows the process we are doing to raise our vibrations.
I have not come to speak with you of that. I have come to speak of the things you must do to make ready for the Festival of Light. Each year you and the masters have made way for the birth of the light. In the coming year all that has been will change. You will not only call forth the light you will call forth the gifts of the three kings. When you do this you will be showered with great prosperity, spiritual awareness, and renewed health.
I take it you are talking about the Novus Invicta process we do each year. However, I am not sure about what you are saying about the three kings.
Come with me. I will show you.
Michael turned and went through the wall out to the back yard. I, on the other hand, used the door through the laundry room to get on the back porch. Michael was standing on the ground as I walked over to the rail of the porch. It did feel kind of nice being at eye level with Michael so I just stood there. I did expect Michael to call me down next to him but he didn’t. Michael just raised his hand and pointed to the sky. I looked in the direction he was pointing.
See you the three kings?
I looked up at the stars but couldn’t make out any shapes that looked like kings. I tried putting star patterns together that could make them by any stretch of the imagination look like the figures of three kings. I am sorry Michael but it just looks like a bunch of stars to me.
I speak of the three stars.
I looked back and saw the three stars of Orion’s belt. Yes I see them.
In ancient times these stars were called the three kings. These kings came from the east pointing the way to the birth of the light. See you the bright star below to which they point.
Yes. That star is called Sirius.
These stars would announce the birth of the sun or light. When a great master or king was born, it was these stars that were used as a sign to give them their divinity or authority.
I have a feeling that not all great masters were really born at the time of these stars.
This is true. Yet you miss the point.
Look Michael it is a little chilly out here so could you just get to the point. Michael looked over to me and I could feel the very air around me warming up. It felt like when you turn the heat up in the car on a winter’s day. The warmth just surrounds you and it feels so good. I am good now - take your time, I said to him.
The point is this. Did not your master teacher say you are all kings and queens in your own right as children of God?
I remember Alexander saying that.
Yet none of you have embraced the truth of it. This is the reason I have come. I ask you this. What does it serve a king that would be a king? What does it serve a queen that would be a queen or a master that would be a master?
From what I am hearing what comes to mind is we do not think much. We all get who we are on some level like it is a good idea, but we don’t really own who we are.
It is not that you do not own who you all are. It is more of your denying your birthright.
I can see how we do this. We say to ourselves who am I to assume such a thing about me? I want to get there someday when I have grown enough or learned enough but I am not there just yet. Our minds are filled with all the evidence of why it can’t be true. If I have all you angels coming to visit and I still don’t really get who I am. How can the other masters that don’t have you guys coming to them hope to grasp a concept like this?
This is why I am here this night. When the three kings come with the star you call Sirius at this time of year there are spiritual vibrations given to your kind. They for the most part go ignored. I will tell you how to call forth these spiritual vibrations to reclaim your birth right that was lost. As these stars bring forth the birth of the light so will they bring forth that which was given to you as a child of God. If you do this all will grow in riches, wisdom and health. You must make ready that which is needed for the masters to call forth and receive.
I take it that you mean me.
It does. You have been told that the three kings brought gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. There are vibrational reasons for this. This is why I have come to you at this time. You must be ready to make the oil of the three kings to attune the masters to the vibrations of the gifts they will receive. You must make this sacred oil on the evening of the 4th day of this month. You will place it on your sacred ground that it may rest throughout the night. As you lay it to rest you will sing the words I give you. The oil for the three kings will be awakened with the first rays of light from the sun.
Michael sang the words to the song only once. The words felt wonderful throughout my whole body as their vibrations filled me. When he was finished I had no idea what he had just sung. I looked at Michael saying I don’t remember one word of what you just did.
You will when you place the oil to rest.
That is good to know because I don’t now. Given we are doing something new do we still do the process which we have been doing on the 4th of each month?
Yes. Nothing has changed with the compassionate wisdom vibrations.
Ok then. I have the oils I need but the gold might be a difficult to come up with.
You have the gold you need. It was given to you, yet you do not remember it. You will know it when you see it. Take care not to use too much gold in each bottle and you will have more than enough.
I will remember you said that. So then how do we use this oil to reclaim our birthright?
You will on Saturday evening of each week place a drop of the oil on your heart and say. “As a child of God I attune my vibrations to receive the gifts of the three kings. This will be done each Saturday until December 21st. On the evening of that day you will place the oil of the three kings on your crown and the Novus Invicta oil on your heart. When this is done you will say. “As a child of God I have attuned my vibrations to receive the gifts of the three kings. I have anointed my heart to the vibrations of the birth of the light. I reclaim my divine kingship as a child of God and place my crown on my head.
Each will take from their hearts a crown and place it on their own head and say. As it is said, it is done. For three days after that the vibrations will set into your very being yet on the fourth day everything you have come to know will change. Your prosperity, wisdom and health will begin to grow by leaps and bounds.
When do we start doing this process?
You may start on the Saturday after receiving the oil. Yet I tell you truly it would be wise to start sooner than later.
I get it. The more attuned you are the better off you are.
Our time is done. We will speak again after the festival of light. Be at peace and teach only love.
Michael folded into the light and was gone and I was standing in the cold. Screw this I thought and went back inside to my warm bed for some more sleep.