Wisdom From the Angels
by Joe Crane (and the Angels)
124 pages, 4 1/4 square
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Solace Press
Electronic versions: $7.99
Apple, Booktopia, Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Scribd
This is the big little book of over 100 quotes from more than a decade of Joe's visits with the Angels. This is book for everyone, just the quotes and without metaphysical commentary. It is a carry-anywhere 4 x 4 inch book with comments by Joe, introduction and reviews.
This book makes a wonderful gift!
View Joe's introduction to the book:
I’ve been visited by angels for 15 years and they have had a lot to say. They can reveal profound information with just a phrase. Occasionally, one of these tidbits pops into my mind at just the right time. I got to thinking that these phrases could be of value to everyone.
The angelic quotes in this book can help keep us on our spiritual path. When something is bothering me, I go to the quotes and find just what I need. Angels have been spoken of ever since stories have been told. People throughout the world attest to seeing angels. There are more stories of people seeing and getting messages today than any other time in history. There are more people who have seen an angel or had an angel touch their lives than you may think.
I know you picked up this book for a reason and it is not by accident. Just like me, you want to know for sure if angels are real. Over 18 years ago I found the answer to my question. Yes, angels are real. What you don’t know is there have been angels working in your life for a long time. Angels have been there for you when you were helped by a stranger in a time of need. Angels have given you comfort in words of wisdom and you didn’t even know it.
Here is what they are saying:
“In Joe Crane’s Wisdom from the Angels we are given words of calm, love and reassurance. It is a beacon of light in the darkest storm.”
Lynn Van Praagh-Gratton, spiritual speaker and medium.
“Here is a nifty little book to pick up and read at different
times. It contains short quotes of wisdom and guidance from
the angels for us to use and absorb.” Ann Paulson
"Went to PO Box today to pick up the Wisdom from the Angels book. It arrived safely. Opened it up, read a few angel quotes and it brought tears to my eyes. The remembrance of reading the quotes from the visits and remembering what we have gone through to get to the point where we are at today touched me. It will be of great assistance to stay on task for those days when we need a little pick me up." Laurel
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